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Tuesday 13 October 2015

Towards Achieving Financial Independence!

Good afternoon, and happy Independence Day, my fellow Nigerians. The celebrations are encouraging from my axis here in PH. The kids in my neighbourhood are in the flag colours. 

Please, allow me use this day of Independence as an opportunity to talk about our journey towards financial independence. Without financial independence, almost all other forms of independence will have very little meaning. Money is so important; we spend a sizeable time of our lives seeking money, but often times we lavish that hard earned cash with little or no prudence at all. 

Months ago, I created a thread where I discussed certain financial errors that wasted almost all my first five years of work. The comments following that thread were so encouraging, and I determined to never make those mistakes. Months down the line, I've seen tremendous financial improvement singe I started doing the exact opposite of what brought me financial woes and relationship issues with my woman. 

I've witnessed pleasurable and appreciable level of financial stability since I disciplined myself into following certain course of actions. I'm only saddened as to why I didn't start earlier. You can never be too late on starting a very noble cause!

Pay Yourself First. Before now, I would pay myself only after I've paid almost everyone. Now, I've created a separate account and has given a standing instruction to have a certain percentage of my pay sent to that account from source. I simply pay MYSELF first. I work for the money. I'm the one who's exposed to all manner of risks and hazards. Apart from forcing me to learn the saving habit, this system also reduces the amount of money I have to spend on my needs and wants. If you don't have too much money to throw around, you've got to manage what's left. 

Living With A Budget. A person without a budget is like a city without walls. Budget, with the appropriate level of discipline, has also tailored my expenditures. Having paid myself first, I'm left with NO option than to live with my budget. It's NOT easy to be financially independent. When you don't have a budget, you have little or no control over your money. Others will simply give you their budget. Others will in fact make budgets on YOUR money. Whoever can't fall into my budget will have to wait till that's possible. I'm done trying to please others. 

I've Mastered Saying NO! Gone are the days I hardly said NO to any demands from people. Now, I've mastered it. You can't be a GOOD MAN and be rich. People will criticise and call you names when you stick to your financial plans. They can only call you names; they can't take away the money from you. I still give but I do that within the confines of prudence and wisdom. All those who tried to be good men during my childhood days ended up being broke and miserable. Balance is key shaa! But I will never give away my money because I want to be tagged a good man! Never again. 

Living Below My Means. I'm not saying much here. It's one of the oldest rules of financial accumulation. I've trimmed my expenditures as to reflect this point. I can't continue living large and foolish just to appear BIG BOY to people that won't be there when the worst happens. I'm the driver and captain of MY life. I'm responsible for this single life of mine. I've stopped pleasing people. It's the only way I could guarantee success. 

Other Sources Of Income. No man ever became really financially great having ONLY ONE source of income! I've learned and taken some online courses on investment. That's what the second account I created is actually meant for. Money shouldn't be idle. I'm more interested in making other sources of income. 

Building Wealth Takes Time. There no gainsaying the fact I'm still years away from being financially independent, but it's process that has already started. No man ever built wealth over night; if in doubt ask Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Bishop Oyedepo, Mark Zuckerberg, Aliko Dangote, etc; only thieves and looters can achieve such an unnatural feat! LOL! It takes years, even decades to build lasting wealth. I won't build in a day what Dangote built in decades, but he also started very small. As far as the determination and zeal are intact, it's very much a question of time.

I smile whenever I think of the steps I'm taking to secure my financial future. It's now very clear that it's more of what you do with your me on than HOW MUCH you earn. Parkinsons law says that our expenditures will grow so much as to equal our income. To be wealthy, one must refuse to be a victim of that law. 

The future is here. You're here TODAY as a result of the decisions and choices you made YESTERDAY. Where we shall be TOMORROW is a function of the decisions and choices we make TODAY.

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